Scenario: Backup and/or restore the company database.
(i) Data Backup Process
Step 1: Go to Tools, then select Backup option.
Step 2: Click on Browse followed by Add function.
Step 3: Select the location you want to backup your data, then press OK.
Step 4: Click on OK once again to update the Backup location.
Step 5: Hence, click on 'Backup To' to begin the data backup process.
Step 6: Your data backup process is successful.
(ii) Data Restoration Process
Step 1: Go to Tools, then select Restore option.
Step 2: Select the specific data restoration pathway, then click on Next.
Restore the data in this PC - By applying this option the user restore the data from his PC.
Restore the data in any PC - By applying this option the user restore the data from their server nearby.
Step 3: Click on Browse to start searching the AutoCount data you want to restore. Then click on Finish once you have confirmed the details.
Your restoration for the database is successful.
We worry that AutoCount accounting might experience system downfall someday. Therefore, we strongly advise all the users to perform backup daily to avoid any data lost.