Scenario: Review overall performance/achievement done by different staff for the date.
Step 1: HIghlight G/L --> Then select any accounting report to be reviewed (Trial Balance, P&L Report etc)
Step 2: There is a project selection under date selection. Apply project filter by clicking arrow button followed by filter criteria.
Note For Project Filter:
No filter - Review overall staff/company's accounting report without any filter applied.
Filter by range - Review company accounting report by selected project range only
Filter by multi-select - Review company accounting report by selected project only.
* Accounting report filter by date can be set too *
Note For Date Filter:
This Year - Review accounting report for the current year.
This Month - Review accounting report for the current month.
This Year vs Last Year - Compare the result with previous year and current year (performance).
This Month vs Last Month - Compare the result with previous month and current month (performance).
This Month vs Last Month and This Year vs Last Year - Review accounting report in comparison with previous and current performance in terms of both month and year.
Months Comparison - Compare current month performance with other months.
This Year vs months Comparison - Uses current year as measurement to compare target month performance.
Years Comparison - Uses current year as measurement to compare with other years performance.
Project Comparison - YTD - Uses current year as measurement to compare current project performance with other projects.
Project Comparison - MTD - Uses current month as measurement to compare current project performance with other projects.
Step 3: After the filter is applied, click on Preview to review the report.