Scenario: Import data using AutoCount's Excel template.

Step 1:

Download AutoCount's Excel template (You may skip this step if you already have the template).

Download link:

Step 2:

In your AutoCount's Excel template fill in the details as below (Note: some fields such as Aging On, Statement Type, Currency Code etc are mandatory to be filled up).

Step 3: 

Once you have done filling in all the details highlight and copy the details from Excel template as below


1. If you highlight and copy the detail without highlighting other fields (DebtorCode, CompanyName,Desc2 etc) you will not be able to import the data.

2. If the system column field highlighted (eg. DebtorCode, CompanyName etc) contain Space or any other elements the data imported will not be complete. Make sure there is no space or any other elements included in system column field before importing.

Step 4:

Click on 'Paste From Clipboard'. All the details will appear from Result statement.

You may edit the details you have copied to the Import page before importing the data. 

You may also check on Auto-create target field (eg Auto-create Debtor Code etc) if you wish the system to auto-generate one for you.

Note: For importing debtor and creditor details make sure Debtor&Creditor Control Account is generated before proceeding this step.

Once you have confirmed all the details click on Import button.

Step 5:

Your data import is complete.


The following items denotes different data import status.

1. New:

- New listings/records/entries with all the mandatory fields/details filled in correctly. These new details will be added into system after user(s) import the data.

2. Update:

- Same listings/records/entries but with some details changed/updated. System will overwrite the target records once user(s) import them into system.

3. Error:

- Exist when user(s) incorrectly filled in/omitted all or some of the mandatory field required by system. These records will not be imported/updated by system until user(s) make the correction accordingly. Error detail can be seen by referring to the status description.