Step 1: Click on the AutoCount Accounting 1.8 icon on your desktop to start the application.
Step 2: If you previously have installed AutoCount Accounting and removed it or now upgrading from AutoCount Accounting version 1.5/1.6, continue to step 3. If you are doing a new installation, proceed to step 6.
Step 3: You will see a listing of existing account book in the login screen. Select which account book you wish to login into and enter your login detail before proceeding to login.
Step 4: You will be prompted to upgrade the existing account book to a newer version. You can execute a backup before doing so. Choose ‘Yes’ to continue with the upgrade and ‘Yes’ again to confirm that you wish to upgrade your account book.
Step 5: When the upgrade is done, you will see the main window of AutoCount Accounting version 1.8. Congratulations, you completed the installation (and upgrade) of AutoCount Accounting version 1.8.
Step 6: You will be prompted to choose which AutoCount Accounting product edition you wish to use.
Choose the edition based on your requirement
Edition | Description | Who Should Use |
Account | This edition contains purely accounting function. In this edition, you will find the complete G/L, A/R and A/P functions. | Accounting Services companies, Freelance accountants, and anyone who just want to do full set account. |
Basic | This edition contains all functions in AutoCount Account Edition with the added function of Invoicing and Stock Control that supports full and partial transfers. | Suitable for companies who have one or more of the following characteristics:
Pro | This edition contains all the function of AutoCount Basic Edition, added with Landing Cost, Basic Multi-Location, Multi-UOM, Consignment, FOC Quantity, and Scripting features. | Suitable for companies who have one or more of the following characteristics:
Premium | This edition contains all functions of AutoCount Pro Edition, added with Advanced Multi-UOM, Filter by Salesman, Remote Credit Control, Item Package, Basic Assembly, Item Batch, Serial Number Control, and Multi-Dimensional Analysis features. | Suitable for companies who have one or more of the following characteristics:
Ultimate | This edition contains all functions of AutoCount Premium Edition, added with Bonus Point, Multi-Dimensional Price Book, Multi-Level Assembly, and Department features. | Suitable for companies who have one or more of the following characteristics:
For more information on the AutoCount Packages available head on to the following link:
Step 7: You will be prompted with 2 options to create the Account Book Control File, a file that keeps track of all the account book that is accessed by AutoCount Accounting.
When AutoCount is run for the first time, you will be prompted to choose where to create the Account Book Control File
Step 8: You will be prompted with 4 options on how you wish to setup your AutoCount Accounting account book.
- It is highly recommended for first time users who wish to learn more about AutoCount Accounting to select the 4th option which is ‘Install a sample account book’. This option will allow you to test the functionality of AutoCount Accounting with some data already preloaded for you.
- If you wish to have a blank account book to experiment around or begin your accounting work, you may use the 1st option which is ‘Create a new account book’.
- If you wish to connect to an existing account book, be it in the current machine or on another machine over the network or Internet, select ‘Attach an existing account book’.
- If you have a backup of an account book you wish to restore into this installation, just use the ‘Restore an account book’ option.
Whichever option you have selected, just follow the instructions you are provided to complete the setup. When you are done with the setup (and account book upgrade, if the account book is not the latest version), you will see the main window of AutoCount Accounting version 1.8. Congratulations, you completed the installation (and upgrade) of AutoCount Accounting version 1.8.