In summary, there are two steps required to do this setting
(a) Create new tax code e.g. SR-0 and ZP
(b) Do the mapping of SR-0 to GST Column 5A
(c) Set Default Sales tax codeto SR-0
Create new Tax code of SR-0 and TX-0
1. Go to Maintenance - > General -> Tax
2. Create new Tax Code SR-0 ; Remember on Tax Method is SRS to ensure it appears in GST-03 Column 5A
Save and exit the tax code maintenance
3. Go GST Wizard to map for Item Group and Item (* Applicable if you have setting using GST wizard before)
4. At Item Group --> Press I would like to update my item group now
5. Change thisSales Tax Code at Item Group Maintenance then Click save.
8. Go to your Item --> Press I would like to update my item now
9. Make sure this Purchases Tax Code and Sales Tax Code already change. Click Save
**For customers that has set their Debtor and Creditor with Tax code, please amend it acccordingly. If not you can ignore the following
Open Maintenance --> Select the Debtor customer
Choose the Default Supply Tax Code then change the Tax code: SR-Z - 0% for Debtor.
Open Maintenance --> Select the Creditor/Suppliers then select ZP.
Go to Control Panel --> Setting --> click on Account Setting
Go to GST/NAT Setting --> Default Tax Code --> Standard Rated Purchases to ZP-0
Go to GST/NAT Setting --> Default Tax Code --> Standard Rated Supply to SR-0