In summary, there are two steps required to do this setting
(a) Create new tax code e.g. SR-0 and TX-0
(b) Do the mapping of SR-0 and TX-0 as default tax code
Create new Tax code of SR-0 and TX-0
1. Go to 1. General -> Miscellaneous Files --> 7. Tax code Maintenance
2. Create new Tax Code SR-0 ; Remember on Tax Method is SRS to ensure it appears in GST-03
3. Create new Tax Code TX-0 ; Remember on Tax Method is SRP to ensure it appears in GST-03
Save and exit the tax code maintenance
STEP 2 : Setting Default Tax code for Item, Items group, Creditor, Debtors and GL
Sage UBS allows default tax code to be setup in various area (Item, Items group, Creditor , Debtors and also at General Ledgers)
The easiest way is to walk through the GST Wizard after 1st of June 2018
then go to Item , Item groups and GL(only if there are tax code setting in the ledger)
Click on Items Group
Then Click on Item to check the tax code
Save those setting and you are ready to use Sage UBS Accounting and Billing
**For customers that has set their Debtor and Creditor with Tax code, please amend it acccordingly. If not you can ignore the following
Open Debtor maintenance --> Select the customer --> More info
For Creditor , check the following