1. Generate the Statement of Account and check the location of the report. Refer to the highlighted file location as below:
2. Close the preview and you will return to the screen below. Refer to the highlighted sections. Click Customize and it will change to Standard. Then click Setting and it will open a new browse as per second image. Locate the report template in the first step and click Ok. A new option screen as per third image will appear and click Yes.
3. You will be directed to the Report Designer screen as below. Look for the highlighted sections under Group Footer 1:accno.
4. Double click on the first section and a Report Expression screen will open as below.
In the Expression section, the content is as below. Replace the highlighted words with your words and click Ok. Repeat the same step for the second section.
lg('we shall be grateful if you will let us have payment as soon as possible.')
*Make sure you do not touch the ('').
5. Once you are done, at the upper left corner of the Report Designer, click File > Save As > Put a different name. Close the Report Designer and preview the report with the new template.