1. Start the Kaspersky Security Center Administration Console
2. Expand the Application management node and select Kaspersky Lab license
3. On the shortcut menu of the key, click Delete. (Delete all key)
4. Click Yes to confirm removing the key.
5. Click Add key in the task pane.
6. In the key adding wizard, click the Activate application with key file.
7. Click the Select button. Select the NFR key file that locates on the PC and clicks the Open button. Check Automatically deploy key to managed computers. Then click Next button.
8. Click Finish button on final page wizard.
9. Repeat Step 5 to Step 8 to add all key.
10. Click the Deploy key to managed computers.
11. Select an application for KES for windows. (Depend on type of your key type)
12. Click the Select button and select Key from Kaspersky Security Center storage.
13. Select the available key and click OK.
14. Clear the Add this key as an additional key checkbox and click Next.
15. Click the Select computers discovered by the Administration Server in the network.
16. In the client computer selection windows, select the Group of the client PCs. (If you deploy for workstation just select the workstation also same if for virtual)
17. On the scheduling setting page, click Next.
18. Put the name of the task. Click Next.
19. On the final page, select the Run task after Wizard finishes check box and click Finish.
20. Wait for the key installation task to complete.