Ask4DBackup is an auto backup tools for Sage 50 databases, design by Ask4key Sdn. Bhd for user that have no time to backup Sage 50 database manually.
Ask4DBbackup must install in your SERVER PC. If standalone, install it on PC that run the SAGE50 application.
Installation Step as below :
5. Choose where your want to install Ask4DBackup or use default location.
We recommend you to install at default location.
6. Proceed with installation , click Install.
7. Then you will see login windows for Ask4DBackup registration. Use Username and Password that Ask4key Support give you.
Note : You can get Username & Password from or .
If you can see this windows, it may be placed behind the previous windows. Try to move the existing windows to right or left.
Note : If you have any problem during installation , please contact Ask4key Support Team (+603 92014477).