Director of Ask4Key Sdn Bhd did an annual dinner treat to his staffs. He paid the tax invoice issue by the Hotel via the company bank account.
The Tax Invoice shows:
Supplier Invoice Number: HW222
Amount: RM 2,888
Service Charge: RM 288.80
GST Amount: RM 190.61 [6% x ( 2,888 + 288.80)]
Rounding Adjustment: RM -0.01
Total Amount: RM 3,367.40
***Recommended Method for above scenario are:
(a) Key-in the tax invoice as supplier invoice so that the details of the invoice can be captured into GST Audit File (GAF)
(b) Then do the payment to that particular invoice
(A) Now, the accountant need to key-in those details as Supplier invoice via sage one. The steps are:
(1) Click on Add a Supplier Invoice
Supplier (Top Menu Bar) --> Transaction --> Supplier Invoice --> Add a supplier invoice
(2) Choose the respective supplier
** Supplier need to be per-created before choose it.
(3) Key-in the supplier invoice number
(4) Change the type from Item to Account, so that you can choose the respective General Ledger Account
(5) Fill up the details with amount as prescribed in tax invoice.
(6) Once done, click on save button
(B) Then ,the accountant can do the payment for that particular supplier invoice. The steps are:
(1) Click on Add a supplier payment
Supplier (Top Menu Bar) --> Transaction --> Supplier Invoice --> Add a supplier invoice
(2) Choose the particular supplier
(3) Key-in the amount paid
(4) Key-in the reference number
(5) Choose the bank account which has been created before hand
(6)Tick the invoice to knock off the invoice,
(7) Click process to save the transaction