Ask4Key Sdn Bhd had issued Purchase Order to Baron Sdn Bhd. Then few days later, Baron Sdn Bhd has send them the invoice of their purchase. Ask4Key Sdn Bhd's accountant do not know how to record the invoice into Sage One system.
So, how to solve this problem ?
Solution :
Below is the steps on how to record the Supplier Invoice in Sage One.
1. Go to Supplier > Transaction > Supplier Invoices.
The information needed to record in the system are :-
Supplier Name :
- You may select the supplier name ( Baron Sdn Bhd ) then system will fill the other blank space with the existing information regarding your supplier.
- Supplier Invoice No :
- This is the mandatory field. It need to be a unique number, so you may key in the invoice no. as per your received invoice.
- Date :
- The date of your invoice.
- Physical/Postal Address :
- The address of your supplier
- Type :
- The item/account of your purchases/expenses.
- Amount
- Click on the box "Use Inclusive Amount" if the amount is inclusive price and system will auto count the price.
- Key the amount at "Exclusive Price" if the amount is exclusive price.

If you want to link the Supplier Invoice with your Purchase Order, you may select the Purchase Order then there will be some list of your supplier purchase order.
Then, you can select the invoice and system will give a short message about a confirmation to link the supplier into with purchase order. Click on Yes then system will automatically update your supplier invoice.
4. After make sure the amount correctly, you can Save the invoice.
5. To preview the Supplier Invoice, you may click on Print Preview button then your Supplier Invoice will come out as below.