Steps on how to generate GST Return for Sage One:
(1) Tax Return and Reports (click on next button)
(2) Tax Return and Reports (click on next button)
- Please do double check on your Tax Number which is your GST ID
- Please do also a double check on GST submission period.
- The setting for GST submission period is based on previous submission. For example you are required to do quarterly submission and your current GST period is 01/10/2015 - 31/12/2015 and your submission due date should be 31/01/2016. Thus your setting should be:
- Last tax period end date should be 31/12/2015
- Last tax submission due date should be 31/01/2016.
- Period frequency will be 3 (quarterly)
(3) Tax Return and Reports (click on finish button)
(4) Preview the GST 03 Calculation for GST File return (click view under the column of GST 03 Calc.)
(5) Calculation worksheet for GST Return (click on next button)
(6) Calculation worksheet for GST Return (click on next button)
- Please make sure choose the right tax period

(7) Calculation worksheet for GST Return (click on view report)
(8) Calculation worksheet for GST Return
- If you wish to import TAP file to be imported into Custom website later, you may click on "Export TAP" button.
Short Reminder:
It is recommended to cross check above GST return with your tax report before you submit the GST return.
(a) Generate Tax Report (click view under Tax Report Column)
(b) Tax Report