It is important for you to know how to open a proper ticket.
A proper ticket will helps us to understand your issue better, to give faster response to solve your issues.
Here are the steps that we advise you to follow:
1. Open the link below .
2. Fill the blank with relevant information
Subject - brief explanation about your inquiry ( Don't forget to name your software and the current version. If not, we might misunderstood your issue and give the wrong solution. )
Type - Choose the relevant types according to your inquiry.
Status - We suggest you to choose " OPEN "
3. Write your inquiry . On the Description , we suggest you to give us more information about your inquiry such as :-
Please provide us the screenshots of your issue. The more screenshots, the better.
ii ) Scenario
Please explain to us the scenario of the issue.
For example, you state that the reports are not balance between one another. Please provide us how you filter the reports (the periods, options, etc), what are the correct figures and any other relevant information.
The more details you give, the better we can understand your issue.
iii ) Latest backup database
We appreciate if you can provide us the latest backup after you encounter the issue. We can immediately diagnose your issue, test the solution and share it with you.
If your file is big and cannot attach in the ticket, please use other cloud storage provider such as Google Drive, Dropbox and WeTransfer.
4. After you have properly describe your problems, hit the Save button and please give us some times to respond to you.