Intro :
This is due to your Sage 50 database & application was updated in server (main pc) but your Sage 50 application in client pc was not update yet.
1. Download latest version of Sage 50 installer here :
Your can choose Lite installer or Full installer with Mysql.We suggest that you better to choose Full intsaller with MySql.
2. Uninstall Sage 50 in your pc. follow instruction below :
For windows 7 user : Go to start button and choose Control Panel . Under Program , "select uninstall program". Find Sage 50 application and uninstall it.
For windows 8 / 8.1 user : Go to Search and type Control Panel . Under Program , "select uninstall program". Find Sage 50 application and uninstall it.
For window 10 user : Go to search and type Program and Feature . Find Sage 50 application and uninstall it.
3. Install latest version of Sage 50 that you've download.
Follow instruction . Choose Network Installation . Choose Client and continue your installation.
4. Done.