Payment to do for foreign supplier via Transaction File Maintenance


Gading Limited Enterprise had made a purchase from International Supplier at USD 4240  at the currency rate 3.60000. The record of transaction had been made in UBS billing and have posted to accounting. Now, Gading Limited Enterprise decided to pay the International Supplier USD 4240 at the currency rate 4.0000.

The payment made via Transaction File Maintenance.

Steps to key-in the payment are as follows:

1) Using add method, choose bank batch. Starts from the supplier. Key-in the amount in USD and the currency rate at the debit side. Then please key-in the currency code and the currency amount. Please refer to the screenshot below for example.  The example below is USD 4240 with the currency rate of 4.0000.

Then click on save button.

2) Choose bank account, key in the total amount at the credit side as in MYR (if currency used for bank if MYR). Then key in the currency code and the currency amount. Please refer to the screenshot below for example. Then click on save and accept button.

3) Once clicked on accept button, the knock off bill window will be popping out to knock off to request us to knock off the bill. 


      Steps to knock off is as below:

          (a) Double click on the negative amount and click on save button (refer to the screenshot below)

       (b) Double click on the positive amount and click on save and accept button (refer to the screenshot below)

To view the Gain/Loss of exchange currency can be done through: General --> Foreign Currency --> Unrealise Gain/Loss (please refer to screenshot below)